We all want to look and feel our best. That is our innate nature. How we present ourselves to society and how they view us, has a significant impact on one’s confidence, and self-confidence prevails in our relationships and even our careers. Studies show hair loss can cause psychological stress. Therefore, it is important to talk about hair solutions.
Unfortunately, balding and hairline receding are both common in men. Millions of men globally experience hair loss and it can occur at any point in their life. According to the Department of Epidemiology, male pattern hair loss is prevalent in men as young as 18 years of age with over 50% of men over the age of 50 being affected by a thinning crown.
There are varying reasons why hair loss occurs in men :
- Stress
- Genetics
- Age
- Medical condition
- Male pattern hair baldness
- Hairstyles that will strain the roots, damage the scalp, and cause traction alopecia
- Medication
“When you look good, you feel good and if you feel good you do good.” Yes, how one looks affects one’s performance at work, interpersonal relationships with friends, and even loved ones. Consequently, seeking an alternative hair replacement solution to make you look and feel your best is the next best thing most people will seek.
There are 3 choices when it comes to looking for a hair loss solution: Medication, Hair Transplant, or Non-Surgical Hair Replacement.
- Medications such as Minoxidil or Finasteride are commonly taken. However, regrowth of hair is not guaranteed and in most cases, positive results are reversible when the person stops the medication.
- Hair transplant is a surgical procedure that involves the follicles (that are responsible for new hair growth) being transplanted into the scalp. The disadvantages are much higher in comparison with the other two hair solutions, especially since is very costly and results are not even guaranteed.
When it pertains to non-surgical hair replacement systems, it is much more common and more advisable for various reasons:
- It is very affordable.
- No recovery time is required.
- Instant results.
- Guaranteed results.
- Adjusted to suit what is best for you.
- It is temporary, no need to commit.
- No side effects or complications.
- It is natural.
These advantages are all thanks to continuous technological advancements within the hair industry. They specialize in the creation of non-surgical hair replacement systems such as wigs and toupees. It is the best and recommended option as a treatment for hair loss for all men.
What Is a Toupee?

History of Toupee
Toupees have played an integral role in the fashion culture since their existence. Toupees date back to 1300 B.C. The history of wearing wigs and toupees came from the Egyptians who would shave off their hair due to extremely hot weather and to prevent vermin infection. Nonetheless, they liked how they looked with hair so they needed hair alternatives. Thus came the use of toupees and wigs. Wigs were then made from sheep wool or human hair. Both men and women would wear them in their daily lives or for special occasions. The male wigs were exaggerated up until the 18th century when they became more about aesthetics and functionality, and not just for the sake of fashion.
Toupee Definition
A toupee is a hairpiece that is made of either synthetic or natural hair designed small enough to cover any bald spots or a receding hairline. Depending on the severity of the baldness, a toupee can be customized for wide surface coverage. They can be worn for a certain period of time.
Toupees go by different names such as men’s wigs or hair replacement systems for men. There was a time when wearing toupees for men was a bit of a taboo, because toupees were lack of variation and were as most times detectable to everyone. Having made hair systems for years, manufacturers, particularly in Asia, have specialized in creating high-quality toupees. Additionally, a spotlight has been put on hair loss in men as an important and normal topic that should be publicly addressed. With that, more men are admitting they want to cover their bald spots and are tired of feeling down. All this has accumulated a huge demand and supply for the best toupees. There is now a mainstream acceptance of toupee hair, hence its high demand and all-time popularity in 2021.
Why you need a toupee?
- Ultimate hair solution for all men, young or old.
- You get to live a normal life as you can exercise, swim, sleep, shower, and go about your day looking great.
- You can switch up your style in seconds.
- You finally get to be adventurous with your hair.
Difference Between Toupees and Wigs

Anyone who is new to the hair replacement system world will be left confused by the industry’s terminology. So are toupees and wigs the same thing? It is very common for wig and toupee definitions to be used interchangeably. This is because they both play the primary role of covering bald spots and receding hairlines. Both hairpieces are made from either natural or synthetic hair and have the ability to change your appearance in minutes.
Nevertheless, toupees and wigs are very different and a potential customer needs to know how to differentiate between the two.
- As described earlier, a toupee is a hairpiece that is designed to conceal bald spots. A toupee surface coverage can be the size of your hand, larger or smaller. Wigs cover the head entirely or at least the majority of the head.
- A toupee must be secured by a toupee glue, tape, or clips. They cannot stay in place on their own. Wigs usually come with elastic bands to secure the hair firmly.
- Toupees at most times have to be fitted by a specialist to integrate them with wearers’ hair.
- Toupee hair color for men, density, texture, hair length, curl type, and style must match the wearer’s own hair for a seamless blend and a natural appearance. For male wigs, one can even choose to wear a brunette wig despite having blonde hair.
- Male wigs can take a much larger density than toupees. But it is advisable to avoid unrealistically high density of hair.
- Toupee’s main purpose is to cover balding spots or a receding hairline. Male wigs, despite serving the same purpose, are sometimes alternatives for people who have a full set of hair and just want to change up their style.
Types of Toupees
Deciding on the best toupee one should get can be a challenge for many wearers. There are hundreds of thousands of toupees being sold worldwide every year. How does one select the best toupee for them? There are many factors to consider, but here we’ll provide you with a stripped-down version to save you the trouble:
- Type of hair
- Base material
They both play a pivotal role in the construction, functionality, application, enjoyment, and ease of maintenance of a toupee. With the right knowledge, one can conclude on the type of toupee they need.
Type of Hair

From the get-go, even before the construction of a toupee, the quality of the hair is crucial in determining the type of toupee one should wear. Toupees are created from either human hair or synthetic hair.
Human Hair
It is made from real human hair that is ethically sourced from donors with long healthy hair. The hair goes through an entire rigorous process of screening, cleaning, and preparation to create high-quality human hair for the best toupees.
One should always opt for human hair because of the many advantages it has :
- It can be styled just like the wearer’s hair.
- It is versatile in terms of styling as it can be curled, permed, colored, or used with any heat styling tools.
- Its natural appearance gives the toupee that immaculate and natural look.
- The wearer has more control over the toupee’s appearance.
- Compared with synthetic hair, human hair strands are easier to blend with the wearer’s own bio hair.
- The quality of human hair gives the hair a soft, shiny, and luscious appearance.
Synthetic Hair
Synthetic hair is made with acrylic or nylon fibers that are blended with different colors to imitate the appearance of human hair. There is always a demand for synthetic hair because of its affordability. It comes pre-styled and the strands are great at holding styles even after washing, therefore, the wearer can wear hair right out of the box. However, synthetic hair lacks versatility. It cannot be permed or straightened as synthetic fibers will melt if subjected to direct heat. It cannot be colored as well. Despite its similarity to human hair, it frays and tangles easily, so it is more prone to breakage, thus not a very durable toupee.
Base Material

The base material is the most important element in the construction of a toupee. It is the foundation of any toupee where the hair strands are attached to and what lays on the scalp. It plays the biggest role for the wearer in finding the best toupee for them. A toupee wearer should select the base material for their toupee based on: lifestyle, environment, aesthetic preferences (density, curl, hair length, texture), durability, and functionality. Selecting a base material that matches these needs will provide the wearer with the ultimate experience with their hair system.
Lace, mono, and skin are the 3 most common base materials for creating the best toupee.
1. Lace
One of the most popular types of base materials in the toupee industry. This is because of its breathability factor. It is made up of a finely knitted mesh material that will seamlessly blend on the wearer’s scalp, giving a natural appearance. The mesh fabric has many tiny holes that allow comfort for the wearer. Lace is a soft delicate material. There are 2 types of lace:
- French lace – It is a soft, light, breathable, and undetectable base material. This makes it great for those who live an active lifestyle or live in a hot environment. The French lace material can be stretched to fit areas of the scalp that are bald and need proper coverage. The front of the French lace is ventilated using single split knots to ensure it has a natural hairline that looks like it is growing from the scalp. The French lace is a relatively thicker fabric than other lace materials so it can take a light to medium density. This lace has a lifespan of 3 to 4 months.
- Swiss Lace – In comparison to French lace, Swiss lace is softer, lighter, finer, more delicate, and more undetectable. Just like the French lace, single split knots are used at the front part for a seamless and invisible. It is also fantastic for people who like to work out, live an active lifestyle, during the summer weather, medical conditions, or have a sensitive scalp. Nonetheless, it is a very delicate fabric that requires to be treated gently. This gives it a short lifespan of 1 to 2 months. It can only take a light density as it can easily tear.
Bleaching knots at the front is pivotal for the invisible hairline knots one would want from a lace toupee.
Lace is a material that needs extra care when toupee glue is used. The honeycomb structure of the lace material allows airflow, however liquid glue melts can penetrate the fabric as well. One must be extremely thorough in the cleaning process.
2. Mono
Mono is short for monofilament. It is the most durable fabric base foundation for toupee hair. It is constructed from a fine-grade gauze material that is made up of nylon and polyester. Attributed to its sturdiness, the mono base can take up heavier densities: from a medium density to heavy density. Mono base is great for wearers who want to have a fuller look. Because of its durability, it has a long lifespan of 6 to 14 months. The sheer fabric of the base makes it soft and comfortable to wear. However, the fabric is so tightly woven that is requires experience and knowledge for maintenance, therefore it is not recommended for starters.
3. Skin
Skin bases are sometimes referred to by wearers as poly bases. This is the most undetectable base material. It is made up of a very thin transparent polyurethane layer. It is a see-through material therefore the skin tone of the wearer’s scalp will reflect on the base giving the illusion that the hair is growing from the scalp. The thickness of poly varies depending on the manufacture technique, the thinnest material goes as thin as 0.03mm that will perfectly blend into the scalp. The thinness of this material makes the toupee virtually invisible and anyone touching the toupee would think they are touching the wearer’s scalp. The polyurethane material is a smooth surface that is water-resistant and will act as a barrier against sweat or water getting through. This also makes it very easy to clean.
The hair strands are ventilated by v-looped or injected into the skin base. The knotless hairline is invisible and looks extremely natural. With all the intricacy involved in constructing a toupee base, it has become extremely popular. The skin base is slightly delicate and can take on a light to medium density. It has a lifespan of 1 to 3 months, depending on the thinness of poly.
4. Combination
It is very possible to combine different base materials. This provides a better toupee experience. This is because the toupee base combines the advantages of both skin and fabric. A combo base toupee can be more durable, sturdy with a much longer lifespan, breathable, easy to maintain, or can hold a heavier density.
Toupee Color
It is very easy to overlook the impact of hair color for men has on the wearer. Hair color for men can draw attention to the face. Hair color for men is an important aspect in ensuring the toupee looks good when worn. Part of creating the best toupee for men is considering how to choose a color for men. You always want to choose a toupee color that matches the color of the natural hair, so it can blend nicely to give the visual the toupee hair is part of the rest of the hair. It is always advisable for all to entrust the toupee manufacturer with the coloring process of the toupee hair which they will do during the production process.
How to Choose a Color for The Toupee
The hair color of men and their skin tone has a dramatic effect on the outcome. An outstanding toupee manufacturer will have an extensive catalog of colors available for clients to choose from. The supplier should be able to customize colors to cater to the client’s color specifications. To make sure the hair color on the toupee matches the wearer‘’s bio hair, it is always recommended to send samples of their hair to the manufacturer for custom orders.
When finding the right hair color for men, using a toupee color ring from a manufacturer is always the best option. It comes in letters and numbers with a color description which represents a color code that is a scale range developed by hair manufacturers based on toupee hair colors. This provides samples for toupee distributors, wholesalers, and hair clinics to match hair colors and the toupee hair wearers can use it to choose a color accurately.
Color Range Description
- Black colors – 1 to 1B
- Brown colors – 2 to 12
- Blonde colors – 14 to 26
- Platinum colors – 22 to 23 (some range from 101 to 104)
- Blonde and platinum colors – 613
- The greys – 34 to 60
- Vibrant reds – 130 to 134
Lighting and hair texture make the hair color look different on a toupee. Always view color in natural lighting as it can look different in different light settings.
Hair color for men on a toupee can fade or look less vibrant for varying reasons:
- Washing – washing your hair system too often makes hair color fade faster than normal.
- Hot water – use of hot water causes toupee hair color to fade fast as hot water will gradually strip out the vibrant color of the hair. Also, hot water will dry out toupee hair, leaving it brittle and dull, causing damage. Hot water can also damage the base of the toupee.
- UV damage – overexposing the hair system to the harmful sun causes discoloration of the toupee’s hair. When toupee hair has prolonged exposure to UVA and UVB, the light damages hair cuticles and turns your toupee color into a red-orange hue color.
- Harsh chemicals – especially found in shampoos and conditioners can strip out the vibrant hair color over time.
- I.Y hair coloring not done professionally will not last as a lot of care and technique is needed in dyeing the toupee. Rely on a hair expert to dye your hair system.
Always recommend a toupee wearers consult with a toupee expert when choosing the right color for them.
Toupee Density

The main reason behind getting a toupee is because of the hair loss that is causing a reduction in one’s hair density. Therefore, it is not surprising that toupee density is an important discussion to consider with the toupee hair wearer.
Toupee definition of toupee density is the number of hair strands added to the hair system base. It is defined also by a percentage that tells you how much hair is on the toupee. The more the hair density percentage, the fuller the toupee will be, the lower the density percentage, the finer the toupee will be. It is important to note that there is neither good or bad toupee density. Different densities suit different wearers. What should be the focus is selecting the perfect density to match the wearer’s desired look.
Naturally, a lot of toupee wearers get excited about toupee density. They finally have the chance to have a new look and opt for toupees that have different hair lengths and a heavier density than their own natural hair. If the density used is too heavy or too light, the final results can have an obviously unnatural appearance. Salon experts are best suited to giving consultations to assist the wearer in finding the perfect density.
How to decide what density is best for you:
1. The density of bio hair – The wearer wants to have an even hair density throughout their head surfaces. They ultimately want to achieve a natural look with a toupee so that no one can tell they have a toupee on and are experiencing balding.
2. Hairstyle – How toupee wearers will be wearing styling the toupee can determine the density. Men who are adventurous with their styling will go for a faded cut on the sides of their head and thicker hair at the crown with longer hair length.
- Hair length – The hair length is considered. If the hair length is shorter, less density is needed, if the hair length is longer, more density is needed.
- Textured hair – Curly hair looks much better with fuller density.
3. Base material – As discussed earlier on the topic of base material, different bases take on different densities.
- The Lace base takes light to medium density.
- Mono base takes a medium to heavy density.
- Skin base takes light to medium density
4. Age – In the majority of men as they grow older their hair gradually thins out. Therefore, older men should go for light to medium density and younger men should go for light to heavy.
How to Choose Toupee Density

Choosing the right toupee density can be tricky if you do not understand density classification in the hair industry. Universally, hair density is classified the same by all manufacturers but might slightly differ depending on the hair source and production of hair. This variation is still not significant enough to make an altering difference.
Toupee Density Chart:
- Extra light density – 60% Light density – 80%
These are densities that are suited for men who have naturally fine hair or a lower density with their own natural hair.
- Light to medium density – 100%
Those whose hair is not as fine but is not thick at all.
- Medium density – 120%
Most men fall under this category. It is the most popular and has the average hair density on men’s heads. It is not too thin and not too thick. The majority of new toupee hair wearers are comfortable with this density.
- Medium-heavy density – 140%
A toupee density for men who naturally have a fuller head. The toupee density will provide more fullness and volume to the overall look without being too much. People in their 20s to 40s who have always wanted to finally add a lot more density to their hair.
- Heavy density 160%
It is a very full toupee. Very few people will have a natural, very full head of hair. It needs to be used strategically for optimal use. Mostly used in theatre performances as part of the stage costume.
If one is looking for a specific density to fit with the desired toupee style, the manufacturer should be able to customize a toupee to meet the specific density needs of the wearer. This is obvious, but it is important to mention that toupee density is irreversible; if toupee hair sheds or is damaged, the density decreases. Only the manufacturer can restore the toupee’s density.
2022 Best Toupees
When it comes to satisfaction, we can rely on high-quality toupees that cover bald spots. Some are standing out for their excellence. They are in demand and extremely popular because of their outstanding results when it comes to hair transformation.
1. BH3 0.03mm Ultra Thin Skin Hair Systems for Men Human Hair Toupee Suppliers
A popular all-year-round toupee. It is the thinnest skin base that will give the illusion the hair is growing out of the scalp.
2. LFS French Lace Toupee Hairpiece Wholesale Men’s Hair Replacement Systems
The perfect summer toupee especially for those who live in a hot environment. It is light and breathable, a great experience for any toupee wearer.
3. BH11W Fine Mono Hair Units for Men Men’s Hair Piece Wholesale
This toupee is very durable whilst giving you a natural appearance.
4. BNL45881 0.10mm Clear Pu with French Lace Front High Quality Toupees Manufacturer
A combination of the skin base and lace material at the top makes it a favorite 2022 toupee. The wearer gets to enjoy an invisible natural hairline with the skin base surrounding the perimeter of the toupee. Additionally, the soft and light lace materials allow for airflow at the top. A winning combination!
5. BWN73062 Fine Mono Hair System with Lace Front Monofilament Hair System Wholesale
The two most durable materials are combined for a very sturdy toupee. A toupee that also has extra comfort for the wearer.
Where to Get a Toupee

When a potential toupee wearer is ready to acquire a toupee, it is crucial for them to have the right information on where to get one. They should be able to enjoy the experience of buying a high-quality toupee. With the high demand for toupees globally, in comes a huge supply of sellers to meet the demand. Unfortunately, sellers can be good and bad.
There are many risks of a toupee wearer getting a toupee from a bad seller.
- Poor quality toupee hair can either damage quickly, cause scalp irritation, or the hair strands tangle and dry out all the time.
- Waste of purchasers’ money.
- A bad experience can put one off from considering a toupee.
- Potential to cause more damage to the balding spots.
- Take away one’s experience of improving their appearance.
So where can one get a toupee?

Nowadays, everything is on the internet. With just the click of a button, you can get anything online without leaving the house. This is good as it simplifies finding a toupee. However, it also means one has to be careful who they purchase from online.
Get to know the products and the manufacturer before you make purchase decisions.
Find manufacturers that are familiar brands and are known when it comes to specializing in the production of toupees. They should be focused on providing coverage for baldness and passionate about improving men’s self-esteem.
The supplier should at least have a website that nicely details the toupee it sells. You are able to identify the sales team on the website and options are available to cater to the needs of different customers.
Online Reviews
What is the experience of previous buyers? This is one of the best ways to have a glimpse of the reliability of the suppliers.
Order Fulfillment
A great supplier should be able to produce stock toupee hair and custom toupee hair to meet the masses of clients worldwide. This means that the supplier should be producing thousands of toupees a month. They should also offer a wide variety of options to customize toupee hair to meet all men’s hair system needs. The variety should take into account different base materials, skin tones, hair length, density, color, and texture.
Production Quality
How is the toupee being made? Every stage of production of high-quality hair replacement systems matters. Quality production control measures need to be strictly followed by the manufacturer in the creation of the toupee.
Service Provided
How accessible is the manufacturer? Physical barriers are not a limitation to communication in 2021. One should be able to access a supplier either online or even through WhatsApp to get any information you require.
The supplier should provide consultation services to potential buyers to provide assurance of a great experience. Additionally, consultation services mean they can customize toupee hair or get help in how to choose a suitable toupee and the purchasing process.

Despite the easy access to buying a toupee online, some would rather physically purchase toupee hair. Most people are more comfortable feeling and seeing the toupee before making a decision.
- Find a certified reliable salon expert who can answer questions, help you find a suitable toupee, and customize and style the toupee to perfectly fit the wearer.
- Referrals are always a great way to ensure top-notch quality and a great experience.
The great thing about getting a toupee offline is you can try out samples of the toupee, feel the quality, and look at the hair color, and hair length to guarantee you get the best toupee.
For wholesalers, distributors, and salon experts who are looking for a reliable manufacturer they can purchase bulk orders from regularly, manufacturers should be ready to open doors and let them visit.
Top 5 Manufacturers
Finding a reliable and trustworthy manufacturer who can produce bulk high-quality toupees can be challenging. Established manufacturers have professional experts and ventilation technicians dedicated to helping men find solutions by creating elegant high-quality toupees.
Below are recommended top 5 manufacturers that are recognized globally in manufacturing high-quality toupees supplemented with exceptional customer service.
- Bono Hair
- Hair Direct
- Hollywood Lace
- Hair Club
- Apollo
How a Toupee is Made in Factory

There is a lot of labor-intensive work that goes into the production process of the best toupees. Experienced manufacturers are all about meticulously creating exquisite toupees.
Below we will take you through the process.
1. Hair Processing
Firstly, the hair strands are aligned to be bundled by length for classification. The hair goes through an acid treatment to make certain that the sourced hair is extremely clean. This treatment’s purpose is to also strip out the cuticle so that the hair is malleable throughout its lifespan.
Bleaching and color process – the hair strands are dyed in different colors. This can be any of the available stock colors in the manufacturers’ catalog or the hair according to different custom colors ordered by clients.
2. Base Construction
As highlighted earlier this is a key step in toupee production. The base material can be either lace, mono, or skin, or a combination of two or all three materials. For stock production, the base size is molded to the standard-size templates. For custom orders, the customer’s template size is measured to make the mold.
Please note that in every single step, the toupee goes through a quality check to ensure no mistakes or defects and that the quality is still top-notch.
3. Ventilation
This is the technique in which hair strands are attached to the base. It can either be done by knotting or injecting.
- Knotting
Knotting is ventilated on lace and mono-based materials. It can either be a single knot, single split knot, double knot, double split knot, or v-looped. The knots are sealed by spraying glue on the knots.
Bleaching knots – to give the toupee an undetectable natural appearance, the knots are bleached.
- Injected
That is ventilation done on the skin-based material. The base is then sealed by brushing glue on the bottom of the skin base.
Men’s hair systems are ventilated by hand. The ventilation process is the longest process in toupee production, especially when it is hand-tied. It can take 7-21 days depending on the different needs of each individual toupee.
4. Washing and Styling
The hair is washed thoroughly to ensure there is no residue left on the toupee. Hair length is cut to the stock length or a customized hair length. Finally, hair is styled by an in-house professional hairstylist.
After a final quality check, the hair toupee is packed for shipping.
Toupee Before and After
Seeing is believing. Below are pictures of the unbelievable transformations of men who have chosen to get toupees.

How to Attach a Toupee

The only way one can get to enjoy the toupee hair is by attaching the toupee correctly. Attaching a high-quality hair replacement system wrongly is a waste of time and money as the toupee will be visible and defeat its purpose.
A correctly attached toupee allows the wearer to:
- Confidently live their normal life without worrying the toupee might fall off.
- Prevent damage to the hair system or their own hair.
- Preserve the lifespan of the toupee.
A toupee may be securely attached by either a toupee glue or a toupee tape on both sides. Climate, lifestyle, preference, scalp skin type and the base material decide which of the adhesives one should use. Always read and follow the instructions from the adhesive manufacturers for an effective hold.
Adhesives can either be a silicon-based formula that is stickier with a strong bond or a water-based formula.
Step 1:
Always attach the toupee on a clean scalp. Shampoo your hair gently. Dry hair. Ensure the base material is clean. No residue from previous wear should be there. Use a toupee adhesive solvent to remove any adhesive residue that may be left. Part of the face and skin where the toupee should be attached should be clean of any sweat, oil, dirt, or face products that may interfere with or disrupt the effects of the adhesive efficiently working.
Step 2:
Apply scalp protector all over the entire scalp to encourage a much stronger bond, and to prevent any skin irritation or any damage.
During the application process, make sure the toupee hair is held back to prevent glue or tape from sticking to the hair and causing damage.
Step 3 :
- Toupee Glue
The liquid glue layer is too thin to be detected, yet strong enough that can hold up to 2 weeks. Liquid adhesive is preferable to be used on skin bases, the poly layer prevents hair knots from glue accumulation. The smooth surface allows for greater bond and it is easy to clean.
How to use liquid glue:
- Apply a thin layer of glue on the scalp. Depending on the desired hold, slowly apply multiple layers, making sure each layer is dried before adding another layer. Drying takes 10-15 minutes. Wait for the texture to change from liquid wet to sticky. You can use a blow dryer on cool settings(cold air) for 2 minutes to shorten the drying time.
- Map out where you want the hairline to be and carefully apply the toupee.
- Press down gently to help set the toupee and ascertain that the base is in contact with the scalp.
Avoid getting hair wet for 24 hours.
Using adhesive glue on lace can be challenging, especially during the cleaning process because of the tiny hole in the base material. It can easily be left and slowly deteriorate the integrity of the base material and cause damage. As for the mono combo base, apply glue on the poly part only, and avoid using any type of adhesive on the mono base.
- Toupee Tape
It is simpler to use the toupee tape and great for providing secure bonds for both short and long-term periods.
Great for people who :
- Have a sensitive scalp.
- People who switch up their style a lot.
Toupee tape can either come in:
Long rolls – That will require you to cut into tiny pieces to attach different contours of the base.
Pre-cut tabs are designed to perfectly fit in a designated place on the base.
Toupee tape is double-sided so that one part sticks to the scalp and the other part sticks to the toupee.
- Peel one layer of the toupee position tape and carefully stick it on the perimeter of the base.
- Peel the other side of the tape, and slowly place it on the scalp.
- Press down gently to set the adhesive tape to securely bond on both sides.
Toupee tape is great for lace, and skin base toupees. You can use combined toupee tape and glue for a toupee that has a combined base of lace or mono with a skin base for a perfect hold.
How Long Does a Toupee Last

Ideally, everyone wants to enjoy their toupee as long as possible. With suitable toupee and proper maintenance, the toupee hair wearer can not only wear the toupee during its entire lifespan but maintain its structure, hair health, and density of the toupee.
The lifespan of a toupee is determined by:
- The base of the toupee hair
- Maintenance
- Storage
- Type of hair
- Styling
1. Base Material
The type of base that is used in the construction of the toupee decides the ultimate duration of the toupee. This is because some materials are sturdy whilst others are delicate and can easily tear.
- Lace – A delicate material that lasts 1 to 3 months.
- Mono – A sturdy material that lasts 3 to 6 months.
- Skin – Depends on thickness, durable but delicate, lasts 1 to 3 months.
A combination of base materials will increase the lifespan of the toupee.
2. Maintenance
How you choose to take care of a toupee can lengthen or shorten the hair’s lifespan. It requires knowledge and experience to take good care of a toupee. Nonetheless, a well-maintained toupee can prolong a toupee’s lifespan.
- Wash and shampoo your hair regularly to keep it clean. Before washing, comb the hairpiece thoroughly and detangle any knots. Overcomb, while hair is wet, will cause hair shedding on the toupee. Towel dry the hair system gently.
- Invest in a silk or satin pillowcase or scarf. It is very easy to rub your head against furniture especially when sleeping because of friction. Friction is the biggest enemy when it comes to damaging the base of a toupee.
- Do not use high heat. This can damage the hair strands and base. Use a hairdryer on cool settings if you must use heat.
- Avoid shampoos that contain harsh ingredients such as sulfates, chemical fragrances, or alcohol that will damage the quality of the hair.
- Avoid using hot water. Hot water can strip out the protective layer on hair strands and possibly damage the structure of a toupee.
- Use leave-in conditioners to moisturize the hair and lock in the moisture with a light oil. Hair should be kept moisturized to avoid dryness and matting. Additionally, moisturized hair is soft, shiny, and manageable.
- Ensure to thoroughly clean all residue out of the toupee hair when you remove it.
3. Storage
How you store your toupee when not in use has an effect on its lifespan. A well-stored toupee will maintain the toupee’s lifespan.
- Use a wig stand.
- Store away from light.
- Use the package the toupee comes in for storage. Manufacturers package hair well to preserve the structure of a toupee during transportation. So continue storing the toupee in it.
4. Styling
- Use a wide-tooth comb or a detangling brush when combing out hair.
- Opt for air-drying hair.
- Avoid styling.
- Do not over-style toupee hair.
- Be gentle during the styling process.
- Avoid alcohol-based products.
5. Type of Hair
Human hair is higher quality hair than synthetic hair that will last much longer. Synthetic hair is budget-friendly which comes at a cost: it tangles quickly after wearing for a few times, sheds more, and the density of the hair will significantly reduce during its duration.
Dyeing the toupee will naturally compromise the hair quality and lifespan of the toupee. Most times damage done to the toupee either on the hair or the base will either destroy the toupee or reduce its lifespan.
Men are finally proudly living their lives, with a boost of self-confidence thanks to toupees. This guideline has detailed everything you need to know about toupees which hopefully be helpful for people who are beginning their toupee journey.