You must have seen men or women suffering from extreme hair loss from a young age. It is not only the problem of people living in specific regions. In hair loss, hair can start thinning gradually or fall abruptly. The hair loss ratio and reasons are not the same for every person.
According to a study, at the age of 21, a young man suffers from 20% noticeable hair loss. And at the age of 30, 50, and 60, the noticeable hair loss ratio is 25%, 50%, and 66%, respectively. There are various reasons for hair loss or male pattern baldness at a young age, but as a man, age hair loss can be hereditary. However, some possible authentic reasons are listed here. These are stress, anxiety, traumatic experience, medical conditions, nutritional deficiencies, and medication.
At this point, when hair regrowth is impossible, there are two options available to a man: a surgical hair replacement system and a non-surgical hair replacement system.
You surely have been introduced well to the surgical hair replacement system. The doctors and surgeons do it by inserting skin grafts where hair should grow. This can result in unexpected results like inappropriate, patchy hair growth. Besides being painful and expensive, this process has many other disadvantages like swelling, bleeding, and infection on the scalp.
For these reasons, men tend to prefer non-surgical hair system, which is also called hairpiece, hair unit, and hair toupee. So, let’s get to know about the hair system.
What Is the Hair System? And How Do Modern Hair Systems Work?
What Is the Hair System?
A hair system is a patch, hairpiece, or partial wig having synthetic or high-quality hair on a thin base.
A hair unit can cover the whole scalp or a part of the scalp. Hair systems are commonly associated with men, but these are helpful for women. Women’s hair systems are the best bet for those searching for a comfortable option with little awareness. There is no hurting process involved in the application of non-surgical hair systems.
Moreover, a unit or hairpiece for men can be ready-made (means one can choose from already created hair systems) or can be made on order. Whatever hair system you choose, just focus on the unit’s hair texture, color match the client’s natural hair. If your customer has hair loss in wider or unusual width or has a specific hair texture or straightness in hair, you must advise them to have a custom-made hair system. In other words, for a person with receding temples or high hairline or hair loss anywhere on the scalp, especially on the top of the head or all over the scalp, then the hair loss system/hair unit is best.
We have unveiled above that hair is attached to a thin base in a toupee hair replacement system. That thin base can be of polyurethane or mesh material (lace) or a combination of both. Furthermore, its application is non-hurting because only toupee tape, toupee glue, or the involvement of both are for installing hair systems.
How Do Modern Hair Systems Work?

How does the modern hair system work mean how versatile the modern-day hair units for men are? Now the non-surgical hair replacement system industry has evolved overwhelmingly and offers an undetectable finish.
A person can do whatever he/she wants as they do with their natural hair without damaging their hair and scalp. Let’s start knowing the common fears of people that the hair loss system has overcome.
Sweating: Men think that sweating can easily loosen their hair bond or make the seating unnatural, but this is not the case now. Only use the right hair system and right adhesive.
Sleep: A quality hair system with proper installation does not damage hair units anymore. Now one doesn’t need to take off their toupee every night.
Shower: A person can freely shower with hair toupee on the head as long as they don’t extremely manipulate it. The best advice is to shower with a hair unit once or twice a week with sulfate-free shampoo on one’s head.
Moreover, one can work, swim, exercise, cut it, style it, color it as they do with their natural hair. A man can start enjoying the hair system’s versatility after 24 to 48 hours of the new hair system’s installation.
However, versatility with very little restriction can be offered if the hair system is of high quality and installed perfectly. Let’s talk about it further below.
What’s A Hair System Made Of?
Today’s high-quality hair systems are made of mesh fabric, polymers. Let’s look at some of its details and pros and cons and differences between each of them.
1. Mesh Fabric:

As the name suggests, hair units of this category are manufactured on the base of lace (mesh fabric). This mesh fabric can be made of polyester and nylon. The mesh material can only be applied to the hairline of a hair system or all over the hair system. Mesh hairpieces are best to give a natural appearance.
The French lace system also falls under this category.
- As the mesh fabric has tiny holes, it is breathable, comfortable, and lightweight.
- It offers a natural look..
- The Mesh lace hair system needs to be replaced more frequently.
- The hairline will be visible if not properly maintained.
2. Polymers:

Polymer (poly) hair systems are made using a material that mimics the appearance of natural appearance. The materials for this hair loss system are polyurethane and silicone, but polyurethane ones are widely used.
- Poly hair units are easy to attach, remove, and clean.
- It provides an extremely realistic hairline.
- The wearer’s head can get heated up.
- Not as comfortable as lace.
Mesh Fabric Vs. Polymer Hair System

Considering some factors, let’s get an insider and deeper view of mesh fabric vs. polymer hair system or lace vs. poly hair system.
Which One Is Smooth to Touch?
Poly hair units’ base feels like saran wrap with a rubber feel. Moving the hand over gives you a very smooth feel. Although there are no holes visible, there are fine holes present which is not detectable with the human eye. If you want to feel those holes, wet the hair system while keeping the underside up, fold the unit, squish it in one hand, you will see the water coming out of poly base pores.
As you read above, the mesh fabric hair system’s base is made of nylon, so it feels like nylon leggings, but you feel friction when moving your hand over its base. The holes in this hair system are tiny yet feelable and seen-able.
Which One Offers Natural Hairline?

Each individual has their own preference; both poly and lace/mesh hair units melt well in the skin to provide natural results. But when it comes to a hair system that stays installed for a longer period, both do not behave in the same way.
Mesh hair system’s edges start leaving their place unevenly and rigidly after a few days of application. On the other hand, the poly hair system’s hairline does not get dirty as early and does not start leaving its place like a mesh/lace hair system.
Which One Is Easy to Clean?
Among mesh fabric or lace hair system and poly hair system, it depends on which kind of application is done to it either by toupee tape or adhesive. However, a mesh fabric toupee is easy to clean if applied with toupee tape. If installed with adhesive, the gooey residue can get into its mesh pattern (that can damage the unit’s hair), which can be hard to clean.
In contrast, polymer hair systems are easier to clean whether installed by glue adhesive to toupee tape, if you have the right knowledge and correct products.
Which One Is Perfect for Which Kinds of Hairstyles?

Men usually tend to have the same hairstyle for a longer period in their daily lifestyle. However, if a pompadour or slick back hairstyle suits any gentleman, then a poly hair system is best. Since a poly hair system’s hairline gets invisible in the skin, no one can guess from where your hairline is starting.
While with a mesh hair system, bangs or side-swept hairstyles in which hair falls on the forehead are perfect.
Which One Is More Fragile?
Polymer hair systems made of polyurethane come in a wide variety of thinness; the minimum can be 0.03 mm. The system with less thickness, like a contact lens, is delicate and is prone to breakage. If you stretch it, your hand will slip off; applying force to it can easily be torn off. Then the unit will no longer be in shape to apply on someone’s head.
While the lace hair system is not that delicate, applying force to it can also damage it, but the mesh fabric hair system is stretchier than a poly hairpiece. If there is a small cut on its base’s edges, it can be repaired to regain the unit’s shape.
Which One Is More Breathable?
The hair system for men and women, either polymer or mesh fabric, both cause heat on the head in the starting days of wearing the hair system. However, while comparing mesh fabric and polymer hair units, mesh fabric is more breathable.
The mesh fabric units for men have visible holes in the hair system, which allows more air to go in and out, letting the hair scalp breathe fully.
On the other side, the poly hair system is air, water, and sweat-resistant because of no sufficient place for these things to come in and out. So, these are not very excellent choices for people with a very active lifestyle. While the best thing is, it does not make hair underneath suffocated or itchy.
Whichever hair system you choose, you only need the high-quality one, come to use. We are Bono Hair, the manufacturers of men and women toupee in China and shipping products all over the world.
Let’s browse our inventory or order a custom hair system. Want to know more about us? Read our client’s success stories.
Who Needs a Hair System?

When you are going to gain vast knowledge about non-surgical hair replacement systems, there is an ideal question. How can you find out if a client that came to you needs a hair system? In other words, how can you find out if he or she is an ideal candidate for a hair system? Let’s know about that.
Surgical Hair Restoration/ Replacement:
It might be surprising for you, but only a lot of money and time to have surgery done can’t make you an ideal candidate for it. Here are various factors that are taken into consideration before hair replacement.
Amount Of Hair on One’s Head.
Surgical hair transplants can cover bald areas and receding hairline, but for that, a person must have an area of the head (typically back and sides of the head) with healthy hair.
Scalp skin with healthy growth of hair is donated to the area where the patient wants their hair to grow either front or top of the head.
Therefore, surgical hair replacement is not an option for a completely bald or almost bald person.
Hair Type:
It might be unknown to many people that hair characteristics also contribute to the success of hair transplant surgery. The characteristics of hair are its curliness, texture, waviness, and hair color.
Moreover, the color of hair and how it relates to the underlying skin color is also a factor considered when consulting and discussing the success of the hair replacement system.
Cause Of Hair Loss:

The doctors also ask about the hair loss yore of a patient. If a person has lost hair because of stress, surgery will not be suggested because this type of hair loss is not permanent.
On the other hand, hair loss that is permanent, like male-pattern baldness (MPB) and a person who has it for a few years, means that still healthy hair is present on the head is the ideal candidate for surgical hair restoration. If decades of permanent hair loss, when hair all over the head has thinned out, surgical hair replacement is not feasible for them.
Severity Of Hair Loss and Age:
As you read at the top of the page, even a 21-year young man can start having noticeable hair loss. As hair loss can be extremely emotional, young men with receding hairlines go for hair transplants on edges, thinking that if they cover it earlier it will not cause further problems. But this is not the case; the doctors advise them to come back and consult them for a hair transplant in a couple of years.
Overall health:
Let us inform you about the public’s general opinion; they think that surgical hair restoration surgery is not risky because no internal organs are touched. In fact, surgical hair replacement involves many risks, and the patient’s overall health is taken into consideration. However, the parameters to check each person’s health are different and informed to each patient. But the ECG check is a must.
ECG is electrocardiography used to check your heart’s rhythm and electrical activity. Learn more here.
Any Previous Bad Hair Transplant:
It is sad but true that a hair transplant surgery does not result in a person’s hope. It could be because the patient does not get the needed hair transplant or intends to have a cheaper one.
Furthermore, if a hair transplant is done without thinking about future transplants and doctors use a large number of donors’ hair in one surgery, then there is a chance a person can’t have further hair transplant surgery.
As the donor hair in a person’s head is a finite resource and it should be wisely used to give a person the option to have a further hair transplant in the future.
Some Facts About Surgical Hair Transplant:

Hair transplant cost per session is $500 to $1500, depending on the transplant method a patient selects between follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS) and follicular unit extraction (FUE).
Each session can take up to 8 hours, depending on how large the head area needs to be grafted and the density of hair. Several sessions are decided for each patient, and there are breaks between them to heal. The whole process, including breaks, can take up to 2 years.
After a hair transplant, one has to bear the pain and swell for 2 to 3 days. All transplanted hair will fall out in the first few weeks. Normal hair growth starts after four months, an average of half an inch every month.
Is There Any Convenient Option to Cover the Hair Loss?
With all the factors and facts discussed above, no one would want to spend their money and tolerate the bald head while there may be no full security that hair will grow naturally.
Moreover, as WebMD also suggests in an article that surgery should always be your last resort after all attempts to stop the progression of your hair loss have been exhausted. So it is time to move on to non-surgical hair replacement systems.
Non-Surgical Hair Replacement System:

With a non-surgical hair replacement system, you can cover the head as you want; just have hair back at the front hairline, top of the head, or crown. So, the question arises, are there any factors on which you can judge if your client is the best candidate for toupee, hair units, or hairpiece for men.
Severe Baldness or Light Baldness:
In the case of wearing hair units for men, there is no need to have a specific amount of hair on the head. If a person has severe baldness as he is almost bald, then a full head toupee hair system is best.
If a person has light baldness, the sides and back of the head have hair, then use a normal hair system that covers and replenishes the top of the head only.
However, we suggest never recommending your client a hair system that only covers the top of the head when he has a fully bald head.
A Person Has Tried Topical Hair Loss Treatment:
Ask your client if he has tried any topical hair loss treatment; if they don’t, give them a sincere suggestion to try it to see if hair can regrow from roots or not, and let your client decide.
Best For People with Alopecia Areata:
Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder that causes patchy and unpredictable hair loss. In this, hair follicles are attacked and become unable to produce new hair.
Best For People Going Through Cancer Treatment:
If a person has lost his or her hair because of chemotherapy, they can easily use the toupee hair system without any restrictions.
Each person is an ideal candidate for non-surgical hair replacement regardless of any condition unless they have any scalp allergy.
Benefits Of the Hair System

The benefits that hair units for men offer are unmatchable, making them the more prominent and favorable option for everyone. Let’s know them.
Instant Results:
Compared to all other options to get hair back on the head, hair systems are the ones that can help your client get the hair back and fully and healthily on the head. Inform and give your client enough confidence that if you enter here as a bald person, you will get out from here with a full head of hair with any hurt to their head in a few hours.
Low Cost:
Unlike surgical hair restoration, non-surgical hair systems are low-cost. First, even if you purchase the highest quality one, its cost will be far less than surgical restoration. Second, there is no need for sessions frequently that can add up the money spent on getting hair back.
Always Give You Right and Desired Results:
Before installing a hair system on one’s head, one can view the hair system and hair installed on the head. This is the best thing that gives a person complete confidence that they are spending money on getting the exact thing they wished for.
Best For Men and Women:

Hair units or toupees are not usually talked about from the women’s perspective, but the truth is the hair system for women is as good as the hair system for men. There are multiple hair textures, hair length, hair curliness, and hair waviness from which one can easily use.
Unlike surgical hair restoration, one feels no pain or swelling, and there is no fear of getting undesired results. Moreover, he or she does not have to wait to get the desired result.
No Involvement of Internal and External Risk:
Moreover, wearing a hairpiece does not cause any internal or external risk. While with surgical methods, there is a risk of infection and failure of surgery. Not only is it cheap, but it can be purchased and worn in a very short time.
Which Is the Best Hair System?

Above, we have discussed that hair systems are commonly made of mesh fabric, meaning lace, and polymer means polyurethane. The best hair system is the one that is chosen by the wearer. Here is a guide from which you can help clients choose a hair system.
The process of choosing a hair system is not hard unless you know the parameters to select it.
Base Material:
Hair units’ bases are made of different materials, i.e., lace and poly. Choosing one between them guarantees having the dream hair system. If you want breathability and flexibility, choose a lace hair system. Choose a poly hair system if you want versatility and a more undetectable finish. However, the bases of each material offer different longevity.
Hair Texture:
You can even count the hair textures and variations present in this world. When you order a hair system along with the hair sample and requirements, we go through the whole inventory or manufacture a hair unit that perfectly matches your hair. However, if you choose synthetic hair, its style and texture can’t be altered with heat.
Hair Color:

The hair system or hair unit that you offer your customer should match their hair color to blend well and become part of their personality. If you choose human hair units, there is a possibility that a person can fully dye them to match their color. Alert your client to take time to decide on hair color because if they choose a synthetic hair system, it can’t be dyed fully in the color the client will want later.
Hair Fiber:
Hair units made of human hair can be styled and varied in any way you want, while synthetic hair is not changed once they are styled in a specific manner. The biggest difference between them is the price and the look.
Human hair systems are expensive and last longer. At the same time, synthetic hair systems are cheaper but need to be purchased more frequently.
Hair Length:
Whether a client wants a long or short hairstyle, we suggest you purchase a hairpiece with longer hair because long hair can be cut and styled according to the client’s demands whether a short hair system can’t be cut or styled.
Hair Density

The increase in hair density affects the hair system price. However, it also affects someone’s appearance. If someone is of old age, having thick, dense hair will make hair doubtful even if it is supremely natural because even a man in his prime does not have very thick full head hair.
The hair system is ready-made and custom-made. You only need a great resource to provide excellent hair systems/toupees/hair units/hairpieces for men and women that can fulfill your client’s demand from every aspect. We manufacture and ship world-class hair systems all over the world and are helping many businesses grow; you can contact us via email: [email protected] or via phone number +8617561788081 for any queries and details.
How To Attach a Hair System?
The most common type of hair system preferred worldwide is the poly and lace hair system. So, we will reveal the expert and easy tips to attach both hair systems to the client’s head.
How To Attach a Poly Hair System?

First, prep the scalp. Remove all hair on the area where the hair system will be applied. Clean the head with isopropyl alcohol.
Second, mark the head with dot points to estimate where the hairline should be.
Third, use adhesive glue to attach the hair system to the client’s head. Apply a uniform coat of adhesive, and when you apply it, it will be of solid white color and wait for it to turn transparent. Apply the glue on all areas where the hair unit will be attached; the hair system will be bubbled up if you leave any place.
If you don’t wait for the glue to turn transparent, it will show through the base.
Fourth, now it’s time to install a hair system. When holding the hair system to apply, keep the hair very close to the front hairline. Start applying the hair unit from the front hairline. The hair system stretched slightly to avoid a bumpy base when applying the toupee.
Fifth, now it’s time to cut and style the applied hair system. Ask your client first about their preferred hairstyle and then advise the alterations in it depending on what will suit you best.
How To Apply a Lace Hair System?
First, prepare the scalp by removing hair and applying alcohol.
Second, note/mark the area where the new set hairline should be.
Third, apply double-sided toupee tape to the hair system or the client’s head. We suggest applying toupee tape to the hair system.
Cover all the perimeter of the hair unit with toupee tape and peel off their backing.
Fourth, attach the hair system to the client’s head, start attaching the hair system from the front hairline to the client’s head, same as you do when applying a poly hair system with glue. Use the tooth of combs in laying positions or your fingertips to push down the hair system, making glue or tape adhesive properties work best.
Fifth, this is the step to cut and style the hair; suggest your client have a slick back type of hairstyle with a lace hair system or lay the hairline impeccably.
How To Clean a Hair System?
The hair system is commonly applied with adhesive glue, toupee tape, or a combination of both. So, we will inform you of the method of cleaning for both.
How To Clean a Glued Hair System?
Commonly, glue adhesive is used on poly hair systems, because on a lace hair system there’s a chance that glue can get into the system’s hair by seeping through the holes of the lace.
Wet the hair system thoroughly if it has sticky, dry glue residue on it. You can fill the sink with lukewarm water and let it soak for 5 minutes.
Pour shampoo on your palm, rub it to create foam then start applying it to the hair system. Focus on applying the inner side of the system. Always wash your hair in one direction.
If you see stubborn glue not coming off, use your thumb or fingers to rub it. Don’t apply pressure to it. Aggressive rubbing can cause hair unit tearing and hair shedding. After shampooing, rinse the hair system.
If still there’s any glue left on the hair system, use a towel to wipe off the glue. For this, take a dry towel on its first-half side, place a hair unit, and use the other half towel to remove the glue. Take the towel side in a pinch grip, wipe off the glue outwards, not in a circular motion.
If some glue is not cleaning off, spray isopropyl alcohol on the hairpiece, let it rest for a few minutes, and then wipe it off.
Shampoo the hairpiece again while its inner side is upwards. Rinse it and don’t use conditioner; if you apply conditioner, rinse the base thoroughly so that it does affect the hair attached to the base. So, we recommend using a leave-in conditioner, so the hair stays nourished and hair attachment stays secured.
How To Clean Hair System with Toupee Tape on It?
The most straightforward hair system to clean is what is applied with toupee tape after removing the hair system on the client’s head.
Place it on a clean surface or styrofoam head while the inner side is up. Spray lace release product or isopropyl alcohol. Spray it all over the perimeter where the lace is applied. When you apply the product, apply it in such a way that it seeps under the tape. Let the hair system rest.
After a few minutes, find the loose edge of the tape and start lifting the tape. When removing the tape, if any part is hard to lift, don’t pull it. Instead, spray more isopropyl alcohol, wait and remove it.
After removing all the tape, wash the hair system.
How Long Does the Hair System Last?

The most renowned hair systems category poly and lace hair systems, have many further types. Each offers different longevity. However, poly hair systems last between 3 to 6 months, while lace hair systems last between 6 months to 12 months. But the longevity of the hair system depends on how one treats it.
So, here we are giving you some simple tips to follow in daily life to increase the lifespan of the hair system. Inform these tips to your clients and build a trusted bond with them.
Keep It Away from Heat:
Keep your units away from any kind of heat, whether it is hot water, heated styling tools, or the warmth of the sun. It means do not wash hair pieces with hot water, limit the use of styling tools, and don’t store your hair system under direct sunlight.
Use Satin or Silk Pillowcase:
If your client informs you the hair system’s hair is getting dry, inform them to use silk or satin pillowcases to avoid friction between hair and pillow fabric that makes hair dry out.
Don’t Apply Too Much Product:
Applying too much product means overdoing in styling cause build-up on the upper side of the hair base system. Moreover, the product containing alcohol ruins the hair.
Brush Gently:
Hair is prone to breakage when wet so wait until the hair system is dry. Furthermore, avoiding aggressive and more frequent brushing can lead to hair fall.
Don’t Shampoo Too Much:
Shampooing strips off the oils as the hair does not have the resources to get more natural oils; shampooing hairpieces too often can make the hair brittle. Advice your client to shampoo once or twice a week.
Overly Chlorinated Pools:
Overly chlorinated pools not only make the unit’s hair dry and frizzy but also damage its base.
Difference Between Wig and Hair System

Usually, every other person is confused about the difference between a wig and a hair system. Therefore, we are differentiating them here clearly.
The wig is traditionally used to cover the whole head, while the hair system is used to cover a specific area of the head suffering from baldness. Therefore, you can say a wig is larger than a hair system.
Hair systems’ bases are usually made of polyurethane, lace, monofilament, or the combinations of these materials. At the same time, a wig base is usually made of lace without a combination of materials.
A wig can be worn while the hair is present on the head. On the other hand, installing a hair system on a head area is shaved.
A hair system is glued down on all the areas where it is applied. In contrast, while applying a wig, a small and specific area is glued down to make it stay on the head.
Among wigs and hair systems, hair systems are most renowned for providing natural results. But only the best-manufactured hair systems can only give realism.
For this, BonoHair has been manufacturing non-surgical hair systems for men and women for over ten years. We use the latest technologies and innovative methods to provide our clients with running their business and build trust in the community.
Whether you are new to the hair system or already in the hair replacement business, check out how we can start working to satisfy your clients’ demands by clicking here.
Let’s summarize and conclude the blog here for your ease.
In the past few decades, hair loss has been a problem for every person, even young people. After a topical treatment, there are two options left to a person, either surgical hair replacement or non-surgical hair replacement. People usually back off because it only requires so much money and years to have normal hair growth on the head but also can cause infection, or there is a risk of surgery failure. Therefore, it has increased the demand for faux hair on the head.
For this purpose, hair systems are in the market. But when you usually search about it online, there are various names like hairpiece, hair units, men waves, and toupee. Let us inform you these are names of the same product’ hair system’.
Hairpieces for men consist of two parts: the hair and the base. Both things are crucial things to focus on before purchasing a hair system. A new hair system can be readily made. However, if a hair system’s specification does not match a person’s head or hair specifications, then custom-made hair systems are the best option for them. The most renowned and commonly used hair system bases are made of lace or polyurethane or their combinations.
Now the technology in making hair systems has evolved so much that it is able to provide ultra-realistic results while overcoming genuine fears. Inform your client that having the best hair system installed on their head allows them to sleep, shower, swim, run, workout, and sweat a lot, even if they can cut and style it any time like their natural hair. But they have to wait 24 to 48 hours to let the adhesive or tape bond work to stick the hair system to the head fully.
A hairpiece for men made of polyurethane (polymer) and lace (mesh fabric) has its own pros and cons. The lace hair system is breathable, and its base is stretchy, which is why it is more durable than polyurethane. The lace needs to be replaced more frequently. Moreover, if you don’t apply or glue down the hairline impeccably, it will start leaving its place and will be visible. And the polyurethane hairpieces for men are easy to clean, attach and remove and enable you to create an ultra-realistic look. Therefore, it is more costly than lace hair units for men. But as there is not much space for air to get in and out, the wearer can feel the warmth on their head.
How do both poly and lace, the hair system feel to touch and observe? New and best Poly hair replacement systems for men feel like rubberized saran wrap. When you move your hand over its base, it feels very smooth. Also, its base looks smooth. It has very tiny holes that the human eye cannot see. On the other hand, the new and best lace hair system for men and women feels like nylon socks or leggings but moving the hand over will reveal that it is not very smooth to touch. Furthermore, the holes in the base are also tiny but feelable and seen-able. Although both hair systems for men need to be used with care, lace is a bit stretchy than a poly hair system, so poly hairpieces are fragile.
But before installing a hair system to your head, how could you know if he or she is the best candidate for this? First, let’s check on which factors are considered to check if a person is a good candidate for a surgical hair transplant. The amount of hair present on their head, a person must have healthy hair on the back or sides of the head. So, if a person has severe baldness, he/she can’t have a surgical hair transplant. Moreover, surgical hair replacement success also depends on the type of hair a person has, hair characteristics, its color, and how it relates to the underlying skin. Furthermore, the cause of hair loss and the patient’s age, overall health, and past hair transplant record are also considered. On the other hand, non-surgical hair replacement is a more convenient option. Hair systems are best whether they have alopecia areata or have hair loss done because of chemotherapy.
The tendency to have non-surgical hair replacement has increased because of its amazing benefits. Hair system cost is low, gives instant and desired results, is convenient, no risk, and best for both men and women.
What is the best hair system? We say that the best hair system is the one selected by the wearer or the one whose specification is told by the wearer. These are some hair system specifications to focus on to have the best hair system: base material, hair texture, hair color, hair fiber, hair length, and hair density.
A hair system can be attached by glue, tape, or a combination of both. Whichever method you choose, there is a requirement of cleaning the client’s head first. The head should be shaved and cleaned with isopropyl alcohol. Then if you are applying a hair system with adhesive glue, apply it to all the areas where the hairpiece will be applied and let it dry. When its color has turned transparent, you are ready to apply the hair system. Start applying the hair system from the front to back. If you are applying a hair system with toupee tape, apply the tape to the hair system’s inner side first while placing it on the styrofoam head. Peel off the tape backing and apply a hair system to the client’s head.
Hair system longevity is different depending on the type of hair system. However, it also depends on how good the quality of the hair system you have. We are here to increase the number of return clients and make you renowned in the industry.
Bono Hair is the wholesale toupee manufacturing factory that overcomes major problems like inferior & inconsistent quality, poor customer service, and inefficient deliveries. To have the best-manufactured hair systems, contact us.