Baldness can be challenging to deal with, especially for men, who are often stigmatized by society as old or unattractive when experiencing hair loss. While excessive hair loss may not seem like an obvious problem people must face, it is linked to many mental health issues.
Hair loss affects the way individuals feel about themselves and their bodies. It can cause insecurity, anxiety, low self-esteem, depression, and sadness. The feelings mentioned above are undoubtedly heightened in younger people at the height of their physical attractiveness.
As time goes on and more men go bald, it becomes ever more apparent how much balding can affect one’s emotional well-being. Social, professional, and personal aspects of life are completely intertwined. When one part of life is thrown out of balance, the rest of that individual’s life can be affected in similar ways.
It may seem like something that young people wouldn’t have to worry about just yet, but hair loss can come at any time and for anyone.
Being bald may lead to feeling less attractive towards oneself, which in turn makes an individual more self-conscious when they are in social situations or around other people. If someone feels unattractive themselves, it is likely that they will not feel confident in whatever situation they are put in.
Eventually, this lack of confidence contributes to feelings of anxiety, stress, and sadness. The latter two feelings are thought to trigger the development of depression; all three factors contribute to a low sense of self-worth.
Therefore, taking appropriate measures to combat hair loss as early as the initial signs appear is vital. The sooner hair loss is combatted, the more effective it will maintain healthy self-esteem.
The first step towards treating hair loss is understanding the dynamics and keeping oneself aware. Causes, treatments, cost of treatments, and which treatment is best, all such information plays a decisive role in taking the right step while combatting hair loss in men.
Here we are spilling the beans on hair loss in men; follow through and keep yourself updated.
Men’s Hair Regrowth Secrets You Never Knew: Preview
- What are the causes of hair loss in men
- Start to treat when you notice thinning
- Men’s Hair Regrowth secrets
- Medical Treatment
- The potion
- PRP injections
- The Plasma
- Hair transplant
- Follow your doctor’s advice
- Alternative Hair Replacement Treatment for Men
- Conclusion
What are the Causes of Hair Loss in Men?

The most common cause of hair loss is androgenic alopecia, also known as male-pattern baldness, which occurs in men and women. With this type of hair loss, the tiny vellus hairs that produce fine, ‘peach fuzz’ strands begin to miniaturize or get thinner over time until they become so tiny that they disappear. This change makes the scalp more visible through the remaining longer head hairs. Eventually, all head hairs get shorter and finer with age, and the scalp becomes increasingly visible. This process is genetic; therefore, you cannot entirely prevent it from occurring.
Hair loss in men is becoming more prevalent for several reasons, including unhealthy lifestyle habits, hormonal changes, or even simply genetics. Here are 12 major contributing factors behind men’s hair loss;
- Decreased Level of testosterone
- Clogged Hair follicles
- Lack of nutrition
- Excessive sweating
- Iron deficiency
- Stress
- Alcohol
- Excessive hairstyling
- Hereditary factors
- Hormonal changes
- Age
- Poor lifestyle
1. Decreased Level of Testosterone
Hair loss is a common problem that affects many men. Hair loss in men is usually associated with the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which causes hair follicles to shrink and shut off the nutrient supply to the hair.
Experts also believe that DHT decreases testosterone levels in men over time, leading to advanced baldness. However, some experts believe hormonal imbalances are not the main reason for male pattern baldness; instead, they result from genetic predisposition to hair loss.
2. Hair Follicles Become Clogged with Sebum and Dead Skin Cells

As hair strands grow old, they become increasingly thicker until they reach a stage where sebum production reaches its top level, along with the accumulation of dead cells on the scalp’s surface. So, when these oils and dead skin aren’t removed from a man’s scalp, they lie on his head and clog up his follicles – preventing new growth from coming out.
Maintaining a healthy scalp is crucial to avoid hair loss. You must avoid hairstyling with hair dryers and hair straighteners which cause friction on the scalp, damaging hair follicles in the process.
3. Hair Damage due to Lack of Nutrition
Hair loss is also caused when hair roots are deprived of essential nutrients required to grow. Sometimes, hair may become thinner due to nutritional deficiencies like lacking protein or iron in your diet. You should seek advice from a nutritionist if you find out that your hair strands have become thin over time. He/she will be able to recommend specific dietary changes according to one’s individual needs.
4. Excessive Sweating
Excessive sweating at the gym while working out or just lounging around can cause sebum accumulation and clogged pores, which stops the flow of oxygen to hair follicles, interfering with the natural hair regrowth cycle. Treatments like hair transplants help hair grow back in the affected areas.
5. Iron Deficiency

The hair on your scalp is dead, but hair follicles are still alive and require oxygen-rich blood to function correctly. If one’s body lacks iron, it would be difficult for hair roots to obtain adequate nutrients, making hair strands thin and weaker over time.
Iron-rich foods and iron supplements are recommended to offset hair loss.
6. Stress
Stress hormones (glucocorticoids) trigger hair loss by shrinking hair follicles, making them produce even shorter and more delicate hair strands until they eventually stop growing altogether. When one faces constant emotional stress, the body could release testosterone-like glucocorticoids that cause hair thinning even during youth.
When stress levels are high, the body is under systemic pressure, slowing hair growth down by causing hair roots to shrink and hair strand production to decrease. Excessive workload, emotional dysregulation, and stress contribute to hair loss in men. Additionally, it is relatively uncommon for men to express their feelings which further adds to the stress and emotional burden, causing physical symptoms like hair loss and other health problems.
7. Alcohol
Alcohol is a hair loss trigger for men because it interferes with absorbing nutrients like iron, zinc, and vitamin B6. Furthermore, too much alcohol can cause dehydration, leading to hair loss by causing hair roots to shrink and hair strand production to decrease.
8. Hair Products (like styling)

Hair sprays, gels, waxes, etc., contain chemicals known as hair loss triggers for men because they irritate scalp skin. Although some hair products may not be harmful in small quantities or concentrations, overuse may cause damage to hair strands that affect the overall health of the hair. Therefore these hair products should only be used sparingly and in minimal amounts.
Daily massage can help calm hair follicles and promote hair regrowth. Other ways to effectively ditch stress could be having a relaxing conversation with family or friends, exercising, watching your favorite TV show, or taking a stroll down the street.
9. Hereditary Factors
Hereditary factors play some role in hair loss as well. However, their effects can be mitigated with proper treatment depending on the degree of hair loss. Although more than 70% of hair loss cases are attributed to heredity, that doesn’t mean you have no control over this condition or that there is nothing that can be done. Even if you are prone to hair loss because of hair genetics, hair regrowth treatments can help you retain some hair and slow down hair loss.
10. Hormonal Changes
Hair follicles need testosterone in order to grow thicker, darker hair. When male hormones such as testosterone start to decline towards later life, hair growth also slows down and eventually stops. The decreased testosterone level will impact hair loss on the hairline and crown, causing hair to become thinner and eventually leading to baldness at a faster rate. Some hair loss treatments for men aim to restore testosterone levels to promote hair growth once again.
11. Age
The average age for hair follicles to shut down is around 50 years old, although some people start experiencing hair loss as early as 40 years. When one reaches this age, there’s a high chance that hair on the temples and top of the head has already been lost entirely, leaving only some remnants behind on the back and nape areas.
12. Poor Diet & Bad Lifestyle Habits

Unhealthy dieting that lacks vital nutrients may also contribute to hair loss in men. Consuming processed food, lacking of nutrients, forgetting supplements, and not drinking enough water result in early hair loss in men. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is vital. Even genetic proneness to hair loss could be controlled via achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Maintaining optimal humidity levels are required to stimulate hair regrowth cycles. Plus, an anti-inflammatory diet consisting of suitable types and amounts of natural foods will give you healthier hair growth.
Start to Treat When You Notice Hair Thinning

Hair loss is an all-too-common problem, afflicting one in four men.
There are many reasons why it is important to treat hair loss early. The sooner you start treatment, the more likely you are to be successful in maintaining or regaining your natural hairline.
It takes time for hair follicles on the scalp to grow new hairs after being affected by DHT – this process can take months. The growth cycle of a chin or mustache hair is even longer; since these areas contain fewer hairs, it can take up to one year for all of the hairs to shed and regrow again.
Another reason why it is essential to start treatment as soon as possible is that once the hair loss pattern begins forming, this will become your “new normal.” As you continue experiencing hair loss, you may become accustomed to your hair looking different, making it more challenging to treat.
One of my favorite sayings about being proactive in treating hair loss is that “time is hair.” Because the process takes time – too much time if you don’t start early —you need to take action as soon as possible if you want to avoid a bad situation turning into an even worse one.
Start as soon as the first sign of hair thinning appears. If you are seeing signs of hair thinning, please see your doctor so that they can diagnose the issue and give you advice on appropriate treatment.
Commonly, hair thinning starts with excessive hair fall. You may start seeing more hair down the shower drain, on your pillow, and your shoulders. Visible hair loss is often accompanied by an increased number of hairs broken off at the end into a round bulb. The hair becomes more brittle and dull and gradually falls out, resulting in thinning.
By taking action as soon as possible, the likelihood of successful treatment increases.
Much like how heart disease is detected earlier with routine stress tests, you can detect most forms of hair loss early through regular self-examination. Visible signs of alopecia (hair loss) include:
1.) Visible reduction in hair density when the scalp is seen through thinning areas
2.) Visible gaps when combing or styling
3.) Visually noticeable shorter or broken hairs above the forehead and temple. If any of these signs appear, it is high time to take serious measures.
Hair Loss in Men Prevalence

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, by age 35, two out of three men and one in five women will suffer from hair loss. However, as many as 80% of those affected avoid seeing a doctor for as long as possible because they are ashamed, embarrassed, or simply do not want to talk about it.
“People are ashamed of losing their hair, but it is not something you have to face alone. It is a temporary condition”. “Since 70 percent of men by age 35 will have some degree of male pattern baldness, that means that most guys are going through this at the same time. They know that their friends or coworkers are also experiencing similar problems with their hair, so they don’t want anyone else to see them looking bad”, says Marc Avram, MD director of hair loss for Watson Pharma.
However, not addressing the issue or avoiding it is of no use, instead of taking appropriate measures earlier could be beneficial in the long run. Normalize the culture of talking about hair loss, its causes, and preventive measures to help men take adequate steps.
A problem that is so common must be discussed more often. If anyone around you is experiencing hair thinning, talk to them and ask them to immediately consult a doctor to find out the root cause.
Remember! Early diagnosis is half the cure.
7 Men’s Hair Regrowth secrets

1. Egg yolks for hair
Eggs are one of the few foods that contain Vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium better. It also works to prevent premature graying by strengthening the follicles, i.e., it strengthens your roots against falling out like strands of rope.
Wait, what? Yup, it’s true! This “miracle” food can help with your hair loss problem… for most men, that is. You see, this method is best used when you are in the beginning stages of hair loss for men. No worries if you’re not in that stage yet because this still might work out even better for you since it can actually regrow lost hair on your scalp. Eggs help to strengthen your roots by providing them with natural oils and proteins found in the yolk. Since it contains lecithin, an emulsifier found in egg yolks, they also protect follicles against damage caused by free radicals.
2. Apply Onion Juice
Another hair regrowth secret for men is onion juice. For onion juice, simply grate a small onion and extract the juice by squeezing it with a cloth or paper towel. After that, apply the onion juice on your scalp for about 15 to 30 minutes, then rinse off thoroughly.
3. Nettle Herb Tea
Nettle herb tea is a proven strategy to regrow hair naturally. Like any other typical tea, you just have to use two teaspoons of dried nettle leaves for every cup of water used. Let it steep for at least 10 minutes before drinking twice daily until your scalp condition improves. And don’t forget to stay hydrated!
4. Vitamin C- the Most Influential Men’s Hair Regrowth Secret

Besides onion juice and herbs, a secret to men’s hair regrowth is the use of Vitamin C. Take at least 500 milligrams 3 times a day, and you will notice that your hair loss has stopped and also the growth of new strands of hair. And since it is water-soluble, this vitamin will stay in your body for only about 1 to 2 hours, so make sure to take it at least three times a day.
You may not notice it, but hair loss is one of the top leading causes of concern for both men and women today. But do you know that more than 50% of all cases are caused by nutritional deficiency? Thus, to help you battle male pattern baldness, here are three vitamins that will definitely aid in your journey towards a healthy head of hair.
Biotin- The first one is vitamin B7, also known as biotin.
This has been proven to be very effective in restoring lusterless or brittle strands, strengthening them against breakage, and promoting new growth as well. And since it is water-soluble, this vitamin will stay in your body for only about 1 to 2 hours, so make sure to take it either right after having a meal or along with one.
Biotin has been clinically proven to aid in keratinization and cell turnover. Keratin gives your strands their elasticity while cell turnover replenishes old cells with new ones; these two are vitally crucial in catalyzing the hair regrowth cycle and promoting hair regrowth in men.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids- The second vitamin is omega-3 fatty acids. This has been proven to be very effective in slowing down the thinning of strands, restoring your hair’s natural color, and preventing premature graying. You can get this through eating fish or taking supplements like Flaxseed oil capsules.
Zinc- The third vitamin is zinc. If you are not getting enough of it from your daily diet, then you are most likely experiencing hair loss as well! Zinc deficiency weakens your strands, making them brittle, which then makes them break easily when brushed or combed. Add zinc to your diet or take supplements to promote hair regrowth faster.
Your body needs more than you can get from food sources, so if you’re serious about wanting faster hair regrowth, then adding 400mcg (micrograms) of biotin to your daily vitamins will promote hair growth like never before!
5. Avoid Stress

Apart from vitamins, other ways to regrow hair in men could be to take a break from the daily grind and relax for a while. Stress triggers excess production of male hormones, which can inhibit hair growth, so if you have been under a lot of stress lately, it could be to blame for your slow hair regrowth. Stress promotes the aging of cells, which contributes to male pattern baldness, so try to figure out what is stressing you out and take proactive measures to reduce or eliminate it.
Exercise and physical activity help eliminate stress levels. As little as 20 minutes of exercise per day is sufficient to boost hair regrowth in men; weight training promotes hair growth in men because it stimulates testosterone production, which encourages cell turnover, leading to thicker, fuller hair in no time.
6. Smoking Interferes Hair Regrowth in Men
Also, if you smoke, you need a nutritional supplement in order to aid with male pattern baldness treatment. Smoking causes damage at a cellular level, rendering your hair follicles unresponsive. It also reduces blood flow, affecting nutrient supply and waste removal necessary for healthy hair growth. So quit smoking now!
7. Use Rosemary Oil
Another one is rosemary oil which can be taken two ways: either by ingesting four drops twice daily or directly applying some on the scalp area every night before going to sleep. Just remember not to use too much because oil can potentially dry out your skin – especially if you have an oily skin type! Lastly, there’s grape seed extract which could be bought from any supermarket. Grape seed extracts are known for their antioxidant properties.
Medical Treatment

From pills to hair transplants, various medical treatment options exist for hair loss in men. Some treatments can help you stop your hair loss and regrow some of your lost hair. Here we discuss a few medical treatments to combat hair loss in men.
● Hair Loss Medication Can Help You Regain Lost Hair
There are two main medications to treat male pattern baldness: minoxidil (Rogaine) and finasteride (Propecia).
Both medications decrease the amount of DHT, a hormone that is thought to affect hair follicles. These drugs were originally developed as high blood pressure or prostate medications, but doctors discovered that they also stimulate hair growth.
Minoxidil works by opening up blood vessels and increasing blood flow to the scalp. It comes as a liquid or foam that you rub into your scalp daily. Side effects of these two medicines include slow hair regrowth, acidity, abdominal upset, and nausea or vomiting in some people.
A combination of the two medicines works better than either medicine alone. Topical minoxidil is considered ineffective as it does not reach the root of the hair to promote regrowth.
The side effects of these medications are usually mild and go away after you stop taking them. A more serious but rare side effect is a prolonged and painful erection (priapism). Minoxidil has been associated with an increased risk for certain types of cancer or tumors. There have been reports that both drugs cause depression, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, memory loss, and confusion.
Due to their side effects, most men want another solution to recover hair loss.
● The Potions

Nioxin shampoo or men’s Rogaine foam are ineffective treatments for male pattern baldness. They do not prevent further hair loss. But they are safe to use if men want to get faster regrowth of their scalp hair after it has been transplanted.
Ketoconazole shampoo – this is an antifungal that can decrease testosterone production in the scalp.
Other medicated hair regrowth serums and organic serums are also available over the counter. However, self-medication must be avoided.
● PRP Injections
Platelet rich plasma (PRP) injections have been used to treat various conditions, including hair loss in men as well as female pattern hair loss.
PRP is defined as a concentrated preparation of autologous platelet-rich plasma containing growth factors and other cytokines that aid in stimulating healing and blood flow to the treated area. Some doctors believe it can treat baldness, alopecia, and thinning hair.
Platelet-rich plasma injections, which use the patient’s own blood, contain enough growth factors and cytokines to stimulate new tissue growth.
The science behind platelet-rich plasma is relatively newer than other treatment options for male pattern baldness, such as Minoxidil and Finasteride; however, it shows potential as a much more natural approach to treating male pattern baldness without the side effects of drug treatments.
● Hair Transplant

There’s nothing quite like having your own hair on your head — not fake hair, not someone else’s hair — your own hair back in all its thick glory!
Hair transplants have been around since the 1950s when Dr. Norman Orentreich first demonstrated that grafting individual hairs from one area of the scalp to another was possible.
‘Hair transplant’ is a medical procedure to restore hair growth on areas of loss by surgically removing hair follicles from an area of hair growth and then planting them into hairless areas.
This procedure, however, is expensive and can cost up to $65,000 for 1,500 grafts. It takes time – the average is eight hours – and requires a local anesthetic to numb the area before beginning the transplant procedure. The best scientific evidence suggests that combining medical treatment with hair transplants gives the best results.
Hair transplants typically cost $4,500 for every 1,000 grafts. If you’re losing hair on the top or crown of your head, you may need 2,000 to 2,500 grafts, which could cost $9,000 to $11,500. This is not only expensive but also painful, and hair transplants do not always work.
Follow your Doctor’s Advice

The practice of self-medication is a prevalent one. The ease, convenience, and wide availability of medications have contributed to their widespread use. The widespread availability of pharmacological agents does not necessarily equate to their safety or effectiveness, as some have been found to be ineffective or even toxic when taken inappropriately.
Patients should not try to self-treat hair loss with unproven methods. Some types of hair loss cannot be medically prevented or treated (such as scarring alopecia), even if you follow doctors’ instructions.
It is important to follow your doctor’s advice for hair loss because if you don’t, your hair could fall out, and you may suffer from an unhealthy scalp. Your doctor will likely recommend you appropriate medicines, topical treatments, or hair replacement systems depending upon your overall health profile.
When it comes to losing your hair, there are a lot of things you can do that will be dangerous for your scalp. Many people have an urge to try and self-medicate with different products from different companies or even from pharmacies without consulting a doctor.
This is not wise as some of these products may contain ingredients that could harm your health, and they might interfere with other medications you’re taking. In fact, many medications have instructions on how to use them along with limitations around who can take them, so it’s imperative you follow the doctor’s advice for hair loss properly.
Alternative Hair Replacement Treatment for Men

A lace wig is a type of wig, a thin fabric base covered in a sheer material with extremely fine lace or mesh at the front hairline and along partings in the hair. The wig is then made-to-order with real or synthetic hair sewn onto these foundations. Hair lace wigs can be very natural looking when created on well-fitting cap bases without too many visible tracks (the unseen foundation that holds the hair together). Like frontal lace wigs, it is difficult for most to detect the hairline of a lace front wig.
A wig attaches to the scalp and may be used by men and women. It can conceal baldness, provide a short haircut in a particular style or give someone an entirely different hair color.
Wigs are part of traditional mourning culture in many parts of the world and have also become accessories in various theatrical and cultural traditions such as drag shows, Halloween costumes, musical theater, and Cosplay. Some people wear wigs to disguise baldness; chemotherapy patients often wear them after losing their hair from chemotherapy treatment.

A toupee is a covering for the head. The term originates from the 17th-century French word toupet, literally meaning “small hill” or “tuft of hair.” They are usually made by attaching hair to one’s own hair using an adhesive or are manufactured as a single piece of multilayered material.
A toupee may be used to cover male pattern baldness if a person does not desire to undergo the surgical procedures required to restore hair. Alternatively, some people wear them simply because they do not like their current hairstyle and wish to change it.
Unlike a wig, a toupee only covers a small portion of the head. The wig is a full head covering.
Toupee for men does what hair extensions do for women. It adds volume and increases hair length while covering baldness or a wide hairline.
A hair wig is meant to imitate a natural head of hair, usually made out of human or synthetic hairs. The most common construction for wigs is the weft, in which many people’s hair is tied together into groups of about 50 strands each before being sewn onto a flexible (and typically thin) netting cap with open spaces through which the wearer’s real hair protrudes.
A toupee does something that a wig doesn’t do; it covers gaps between hairs and the entire scalp. It has taller peaks than typical wigs giving an impression similar to spiked hairstyles (such as punk rockers).
Human Hair vs. Synthetic Hair

Wigs and toupees are made up of either human hair or synthetic hair. Some wigs are made entirely from virgin hair, but only the most expensive ones use this material.
Synthetic wigs are more cost-effective because they do not lose hair the real way hair does. However, some people prefer human hair wigs for their more realistic look and feel.
Human hair wigs, on the other hand, provide a delicate feel and realistic look. Human hair wigs are preferable for people who live in areas with high temperatures and humidity.
The biggest difference between the two types of wigs is their lifespan. Wig makers can emphasize how long they will last by changing their chemical composition. Synthetic wigs may be made to last longer than human hair toupees, but this proves to be unsustainable because it damages the quality of the wig. You should therefore choose a wig according to your budget and needs instead of choosing one because it claims to last longer than another type.
Textured Hair vs. Straight Hair
Depending on a wig or toupee’s purpose, its aesthetic qualities will vary greatly. A woman usually wants a straightened and thus smooth look for her wig or toupee, whereas a male character with a buzz-cut hairstyle might want his wig to be textured to replicate that look as closely as possible. In some cases, it may even be necessary for wigs or toupees to have realistic-looking scalp skin and hair to achieve maximum coverage. People do not want their hairpiece to look detectable as a wig or toupee.
Hair Replacement Surgery vs. Hair Wigs and Toupees

Hair replacement surgeries like transplants and PRP cost a lot more than wigs and toupees. The surgeries are not affordable for many. Therefore, more and more men are moving towards alternative hair replacement systems to cover baldness and hair loss.
Wigs and toupees are affordable and stylish. These hairpieces are now available in various shapes, colors, and sizes, providing the users a chance to change their style frequently.
Hair loss is a growing problem. Hair regrowth medications and hair transplant surgeries are sometimes effective, but better options exist. Wigs and toupees effectively cover up balding spots and look natural, whereas hair regrowth medications and hair transplants make it obvious that you’re trying to fight your hair loss. Plus, they both alleviate the fear of having people wonder if you lost your hair because now they know for sure that you’ve got a wig/toupee on instead.
Wigs and toupees are also replaceable. Even people with sensitive scalp can use hair toupees or wigs. Hair surgeries cannot be done on people combating illnesses that make scalp sensitive, like alopecia areata, or if one has certain skin conditions.
Wigs and toupees can be switched out for different styles at any time to give the person with hair loss a variety of looks. Hair transplants also come in varying types so that they match the haircuts you want, but they cannot be styled after getting them installed.
Also, wigs and toupees are less expensive than procedures/medicines. Although prices vary depending on where you get your wig/toupee (and sometimes whether it’s human hair), these products typically range from $100-$3,000 (for cheap-to-top quality), whereas medicines cost about $100-$300 per month with an additional cost of visiting the consultant. Medicines also have side effects, whereas toupees and wigs are totally harmless.
Where to find Best Quality Wigs and Toupees for Men

Finding a quality manufacturer is important if you are into buying quality hairpieces. Bono Hair makes the best quality hair toupee, wigs, and hair replacement systems for men. Our skilled workers make unique and customized wigs that are tailored and hand-sewn to provide the users with a personalized wig-wearing experience. Most wigs are made with genuine quality human hair.
If you are a salon owner, distributor, or business owner establishing a name in the hair industry, we have got you covered. We provide premium quality wigs and toupees for men at wholesale rates to help you gain good reviews and customer satisfaction. With us, you do not have to worry about negative reviews and customer complaints regarding the quality of the hairpiece.
If you are suffering low sales, we recommend you supply our high-quality wigs and toupees to your customers. Our pieces are made with the finest fabric and exclusive stitching that make the customer fall in love as soon as they unbox their package. We have unique hairpieces for men with class and elegance. We also make personalized pieces, so provide us your customer’s requirements, and we will give you a personalized hairpiece according to the given hair sample or measurements.
Click HERE to get exclusive hair wig and toupee for men on WHOLESALE rate
Most wigs and toupees for men are made with genuine Chinese virgin human hair and premium quality silk or PU. The cap construction suits perfectly those having sensitive scalp or hair loss due to medical conditions. Luxury caps have a silicone base for maximum quality and comfort.
Often customers demand tailored wigs and send their own hair bundle to get a highly customized wig. Our wig designers are experts in converting mere bundles of hair into a lavish and most comfortable hair unit. Well-trained skilled workers hand-tied hair strands to the base camp in a monofilament or lace base.
What are the ways to regrow hair for men in a nutshell?
Well, first things first, let us establish that there is no true way on how to regrow hair for men. It really boils down to your lifestyle choices that determine how fast or slow your hair grows. We can help you improve in some areas, but it’s ultimately up to you to take action and do something about it.
Now that we have that out of the way, let’s take a look at some tips you can use to help promote hair regrowth. First and foremost is diet – make sure you eat healthy foods rich in vitamins and minerals. This includes fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains. It would help if you also drank plenty of water each day, as this will help keep your scalp hydrated and healthy.
Another key factor for hair growth is exercise. Not only does it keep you healthy overall, but it also helps increase blood circulation to the scalp, which delivers essential nutrients needed for hair growth. Plus, it’s just good for your health.
Other ways to regrow hair naturally are to take a supplement like Rogaine and to try hair regrowth serums. Hair loss is closely related to both thyroid issues and hormonal problems, so make sure that your diet includes foods that promote proper hormone balance can also help you prevent further thinning.
As well as these treatments, there are other steps you can take at home, such as applying castor oil to the scalp or taking biotin supplements daily. This will work best if combined with regular exercise routines for healthier lifestyle choices overall.
If you’re looking for some medical treatments or solutions to promote hair, hair transplant and PRP are the most common. Hair transplant is a surgical procedure where hair follicles are taken from another part of the body and transplanted to the balding or thinning area. PRP, or platelet-rich plasma therapy, is a treatment that uses the patient’s own blood to help stimulate hair growth.
There’s no guarantee for success since it depends on many factors such as age, skin type, ethnicity, etc. To avoid these risks altogether and still get your dream head of healthy-looking hair without any damage, we recommend using alternative hair replacement systems like wigs and toupees instead of hair transplant surgery.
There are also a number of alternative hair systems available, like wigs and toupees. These can be a great option for men who are experiencing patchy or thinning hair. There are many different styles and options available, so you can find one that fits your individual style and needs.
Bono Hair is one of the largest and most established hair replacement units manufacturers. We ensure quality before anything so that distributors do not face disappointment or low sales in the market. If you are a business owner, salon owner, or hair unit distributor, you may get free quotes from Bono Hair. Refined fabric and high-quality material are used in crafting striking hairpieces that perfectly mimic natural hair and hairline.
Avoid disappointing your customers and give them a reason to shop with you again. Buy wigs and toupees on wholesale rates from us and increase your profits.
Click HERE to get an exclusive hair wig and toupee for men at a WHOLESALE rate.