Every hair system has its own advantages and disadvantages, for example, a Skin-based toupee is extremely thin and ultra-undetectable in comparison to the other base materials, however, they are not as breathable as a Lace-based men’s hair system. Therefore, in countries with lower latitudes where the climate is very humid, and the temperature is high, this hair system is not as ideal as a more breathable base material. A common trend is users of thin Skin hair systems in the world tend to use a combined material base which gives the undetectable look as well as increased breathability.
The same can be said about the higher latitude countries, for example, in the United Kingdom where the temperature rarely exceeds 28 Degrees Celsius, the climate is not humid, and the average temperature year-round is 18 Degrees Celsius. A Skin or Mono system could be used with more comfort. However, compared to Dubai with an average temperature of 36 degrees Celsius, using Skin or Mono systems can be more comfortable. However, saying that it is not uncommon for people in the UK to choose a Lace-based simply due to how much more comfortable it is.
Therefore, the truth is all systems work in every country, however, there are small trends that a person who is entering the market can take advantage of, let’s call this:
The basics of compatibility between the best hair system to a country climate
Notice how I said climate and not clients because everyone in this industry knows different factors of clients’ everyday lives, for example, activity level, income, and even hobbies impact their choice and requirements for when they buy a hair system.
Key Statistics of Bono Hair Overall Worldwide Sales

Key Decision-Making Indicators & Variables

Climate Conditions
As we previously discussed, different hair system bases have different advantages under different climate conditions. Therefore, stockist is able to strategically order certain base materials in order to test their market to see what works accordingly. Let’s look closer at which hair systems are more suited for certain climates looking at traditional full bases without combined material bases.
Base Type | Characteristics | Climate Suitability Comments |
Full French Lace | • Most soft and comfortable out of the three base types. • Larger holes provide the end product with the best hair system for breathability. • Medium life span |
Perfect for humid climates where the temperature is very high, therefore the user would need a breathable hair system to allow his scalp to breathe and perspire. |
Full Monofilament | • Rough material and most durable, and thin. • Smaller holes result in a minimal amount of breathability. • Combination of breathability and Invisibility. • Long life span |
The extra durability & slight breathability make this base material suitable for all climate conditions. However, due to the decrease in the breathability of the base material, it has a closer target climate market to Skin (colder environments) than Lace. |
Full Skin | • Extremely thin users would barely feel the hair system when being worn. • This base material is not that breathable. • Due to how thin the material is it’s almost completely invisible resulting in the hair system for undetectability • Short – Medium life span |
This base is excellent in colder climates as people are less likely to perspire and therefore it allows the hair system to be used to its full potential in these times of conditions. However, due to the excellent invisibility of this base material, this base is sold worldwide in countries that have different climate conditions. |
Seasonal Change
Seasonal Change is another variable that can impact decision-making concerning which is the right men’s toupee and the best hair systems to have in stock during different periods of the year. For countries that have four seasons here is a brief example of how you could prepare yourself and your business accordingly by stocking more of one type of base than another to save space and increase business efficiency.
Summer Stock Quantities: Higher Lace base, Medium Mono, Medium Skin
Autumn & Spring Stock Quantities: Medium Lace, Medium Mono, Medium Skin
Winter Stock Quantities: Higher Skin, Medium Mono, Medium Lace
Lifestyle Activity Level & City or Suburb Locations
Consider that your target market is sports athletes, it’s a niche market. However, your business models focus on changing the lives of these particular individuals. Whilst these individuals may want a Skin-based hair system due to its ultra-thin characteristics making it the best hair system for invisibility, this would not be practical. Therefore, as well as a knowledgeable stockist selling the best hair systems, you should recommend a French/Swiss Lace (comfort) or Mono (more wear and tear) is another key factor for them. Due to the skillful ventilation process and breathable holes, these hair systems would be ideal for them.
Consider that your target market is people who are located in a busy city environment; commuting daily using public transport, they may be constantly rushing from appointment to appointment, and in their busy day, it takes a lot of energy out of them. Therefore, the Lace-based material would be the best hair system for them.
In comparison, if you are a salon located in the suburbs or countryside, it would be to your advantage to stock a variety and mix of bases instead of just focusing on a select few. Taking into consideration the most popular bases mentioned above Skin-based and French Lace bases are extremely important to have stocked.
Let’s look at a slightly more sensitive topic, suppose you are the supplier of toupees for patients who are in search of a hair replacement system due to alopecia and chemotherapy effects on hair loss. In this scenario, perhaps having a more Skin-based hair system would be better as it has the best invisibility factor. In this situation, a combination of skin with other materials would be best suited.
Bono Hair provides all clients with a guaranteed knowledgeable relationship manager to work with them when it comes to decision-making on which hair system is best for them.
Location Location Location
Let’s have a closer look at the individual regions of the world where different materials would be more popular and why considering the points already mentioned as well as going a bit deeper into the subject.
North America
North America is a very interesting country, in the northern part and the southern part also have different climates, there are also certain regions where it is always hot and sunny and some which are always cold. Therefore, saying that another unique part of North America is the amount of migration that has occurred over the years leading to an extremely diverse population, more potential customers, more needs and requirements to be met.
Concerning our sales report, this very large and important country falls under the northern latitude area and therefore the Skin-based material is the most popular hair system sold as it provides a more natural and undetectable effect for the user. However, this market gives you an opportunity to specialize in different areas, for example, Afro hair is very common in this country, and due to the genetics of people with Afro-hair, hair loss is very common.
Central & South America
The climate in these countries is much more humid and has higher temperatures, therefore, a Skin-based toupee is not ideal for this climate. However, our statistics show that in these parts of the world, the hair systems that have a base that is combined with a few materials are the best as they provide more durability as well as breathability for these types of systems.
Western Europe
Western Europe has a variety of different countries with a variety of different climates, some are always cold, some are always hot, and some have four seasons. Therefore, overall you should look into each country in further detail to come to a conclusion of which one is best for your target market.
Middle East
The location of the Middle East means the climate is very hot and therefore French/Swiss Lace would be the best for this region as it’s the most breathable hair system’s base material available for customers. This will provide them with the ultimate comfort in this extreme climate. Furthermore, like every area, the main requirement of the customer is having an ultra-invisible hair system. However, the Skin-based would not be good under the hot conditions. Therefore, a solution to this is the customizable bases using a combination of different materials to tailor a certain client’s or climate’s needs and requirements.
Southeast Asia
Similar to the Middle East but as this area is far more humid, the combination bases would be best suited for these environments. Southeast Asia has two seasons, a rainy period, and another period which is more dominant where it has constant sunshine. Therefore, a hair system that has full Skin-bases is not going to be doing as well as more breathable materials. So, a stockist in these areas could offer this market a skin around the perimeter and full lace in the middle hair piece to accommodate the region’s climates.
French Lace is popular all around the world because it’s soft comfortable, breathable, and easy to maintain. In climates with high humidity and hot temperatures, the ideal base material would be Lace, however, due to the invisibility of the Skin and the durability of Mono base material combining them with the perfect customized hair system for most markets with lower latitudes is a combination hair system.
Example: Human Hair Systems BH5P Fine Mono With Skin Gauze
Thanks for reading and we hope this blog was helpful!