What an amazing experience it is when any customer having suffered long-term trouble hairstyles hair loss uses a great hair system for the very first time. Looking into the mirror, a handsome face, and shining hair, bring a tear to one’s eyes while confidence slowly emerges again.
This is the reason at Bono Hair we love what we do.
A usual scene every end-user may once face when he first puts on a quality hair replacement system is that he may wait to choose a cool hairstyle for himself. “I want this; I want that.” However, wait, and consult a professional first, because every hair system has its some limits that not all hairstyles fit.
Different base sizes, different base materials, and different ventilation methods could all impact, to some extent, the final set of hairstyles chosen.
Base Size
For stock hair units, the standard sizes include width 6″ x length 8″, 6″x9″, 7″x9″, 7″x10″, 8″x10″. These sizes fit those who still have their own hair on the temples, sides, and back, only having hair loss on the top of the head.

On this occasion, hairstyles are not that limited. For example, high skin fades or short sides are OK, because, the short hair on the sides and back would be the user’s original hair, with no worries about exposing the base and knots. The only point that we want you to take note of is that the hair length around the perimeter of the toupee should be a little longer to cover the connection between the real hair and the base material.
Oversize larger than 8″x10″ or full wig means the end-users have no hair on temples, sides, and back area. The hairstyle of short hair length may lead in these cases to the base material and knots are detected. So, we suggest a hairstyle of a little longer hair length for both an oversized toupee and a full wig.
Base Material
There are different base designs, and some consist of the original base material, such as full thin skin / full lace, and some consist of different base materials as a combination, using their respective advantage.
The base at times is divided into three parts, front, top & crown, and sides & back. Whichever the clients have chosen, a stock toupee or a custom-made hair unit, it needs to check the three parts mentioned above to decide what hairstyle works.
Front Area

The standard material used in the front area is as follows.
- Thin Skin (0.03mm/0.06mm/0.08mm)
- French Lace / Swiss lace
- Folded Lace (Double layers)
- Clear PU / POLY (0.14~0.16mm)
- Skin with Gauze
Thin Skin, French Lace is the ideal base material for the front hairline. They are thin, and undetectable, with no knots or invisible knots by bleaching, and other special processes. These characters mean you could get a natural hairline, undetectable even exposing the front hairline. Brushback hairstyle would get a good appearance on these base materials.

Other materials are used in the front area, such as folded Lace, clear PU, skin with gauze, etc. to increase lifespan. These materials are a little thicker, and not as invisible as thin skin / French Lace when you brush back the hair and expose the front hairline. For custom-made hair replacement, we could apply Under hair to cover the edge. However, still, maybe the hairstyle like the picture on the right would be better than brush back for the thicker front material.

Top & Crown

Thin skin, Lace, and monofilament are the common base materials for the middle area, top, and crown. The influence of base material on the hairstyle is comparatively small for this area. There are two reasons. First, it won’t cause much attention as the front hairline during a face-to-face occasion. Second, whatever the hair direction is, the strand of hair would cover the base and neighboring hair knots, unless the hair is cut too short.
There is only one point that needs to be understood. If the clients want a part hairstyle, the base and knots, which are exposed, ask for transparent base material, such as clear thin skin, Lace, or mono dyed to the scalp color of the end-users. Here we recommend a solution for the part hairstyle, Injected Lace.

The base material used in Injected Lace consists of at least two layers. The fiber of the top layer is thin, and the fiber density is significant, due to which it is smooth like silk. Looking at the picture attached above, it is very natural and invisible — a fantastic solution for a part hairstyle.
Sides & Back

The standard material used on the sides & back is as follows.
●Thin Skin for Full Skin Units
●Lace for Full Lace Units
●Clear PU/Poly (0.14~0.16mm)
●Skin with Gauze (3 layers, PU+gauze+PU)
●PU Coating (4 layers, PU+gauze+net+PU)
The sides and back are a graduated area, I mean, a connection between the hair system and our scalp. Hair is needed to cover the edge of the toupee, especially for the comparatively thicker edge, such as Skin with Gauze and PU Coating.
The thick base material applied on the sides and back area is for added durability. The thicker, the more likely it is to be detected. So a little longer hair length would fit this thick edge better, more comfortable to cover it, making it hidden and invisible.
Ventilation Method
Different ventilation methods are used for different purposes. Some are for a natural effect, such as V-looped, Injected Skin/Lace, and some are for steady knots, such as double-split knots. Different ventilation methods have different performances on hair directions, which directly impacts the final hairstyle.

V-looped has no knots on the skin base, yet, the strands of hair are not in one direction just like the above picture shows. As a result, long hair length is better for the skin base in V-looped. If the clients choose a short-hair-length hairstyle, the hair direction may appear disordered.
Injected Skin

Different from Lifted Injection, the most common Injection on the skin base is the one applied at an acute angle so as to leave longer hair roots for sealing. Due to the acute angle and the same hair direction, Injected Skin appears good flat effect.
Even if the hair is cut to 1~2cm, it is flat enough to cover the neighboring hair root, with wonderful undetectability. So short and flat hairstyle fits this ventilation method better.
Injected Lace

A complicated way of knotting. Besides the perfect natural effect, another benefit is the lifted hair direction, which makes it possible to comb the hair in any direction, whether to the right, to the left, or to comb back. It fits almost all hairstyles.
The above writing is from the viewpoint of a great hair system to see what kind of hairstyles are limited or fit better. Inversely, now let us talk about it directly from the hairstyle so that we to see what should be understood when choosing a great stock hair replacement system or ordering the best custom toupee.
Examples of exposed front hairline Parting area and short hair length around temples, sides, and back are shown below. These are the three main parts of a hairstyle that may tell a hair system exists.
Brush Back
Brushback has an exposed front hairline, which asks for invisible knots and undetectable base material. Both thin skin with V-looped (no knots) and Lace with bleached knots is the right choice. Avoid thick edges, such as skin with gauze or double layers of Lace.
Part Hairstyle
The exposed part area should have invisible knots and base material, like the front hairline. A thin transparent skin or thin skin dyed to the scalp color would be good, plus the no-knots V-looped ventilation method.

Again, Injected Lace is the best solution we recommend for the part hairstyle of the best toupees in the world.
The short hair length on the temples, sides, and back
The short hair length increases the possibility of exposing the base and knots. So we suggest short hair length within 1~2cm only applied on the client’s hair.
In other words, if the end-users have no hair on the temples, sides and back, a slightly longer hair length is suggested to cover the edge of the hair system, and avoid being detected. After all, privacy is more important than a fresh hairstyle.
Understanding the process and journey that has led the end user to wear a hair system is important. This brings light to you and us as the supplier that privacy and discretion are key.
A great hairstyle not only takes into consideration the wearer’s facial features and preferences, but even more importantly takes into consideration the ventilation method, hair length, and the area of hair loss located on the user’s head.
A quick review of what has been covered, the hair length around the perimeter of the toupee should be a little longer to cover the connection area, if the client is looking for a parting hairstyle, the base and knots will likely be exposed, so use of the ultra-thin skin bases would be recommended. If lace or mono is used, these materials should be dyed to the same color as the scalp
We hope this blog post gave you a good insight and understanding into what it takes to make the most out of a great hair system by choosing the right hairstyle.
By Bono Hair, China’s No. 1 Toupee Manufacturer.
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